On Sunday, October 11, 2020, AAAAA PPPPP Publishing had its first reading in the series "Pamphlets" at DAS KAPiTAL. Presented were Michal B. Ron's pamphlet OPEN CALL: SYSTEMUNRELEVANT and Daniel Chluba's CAPITALISM FEELS LIKE MINIMAL ART.
18:45 Empfang mit Champagne. Grußwort der Verlegerin AAAAA PPPPPP Publishing (auf Deutsch)
19.00 First pamphlet by Daniel Chluba "Capitalism Feels like Minimal Art", read by Michal B. Ron (in English)
19:10 Second pamphlet by Michal B. Ron "Open Call: SystemUNrelevant" read by An Paenhuysen (in English)
19:20: Verkauf / Sales
19:30 Schluss / End
Photo by Anna Poubová:
Photos by Filip Machač:
Photos by Julia Frankenberg: